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Backpack, weapons, ammo, and food just disappeared out of my inventory
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I found this gear on a server during the night time (in game) so there were about 3-4 players on the server at the time. I left Zelenogorsk and started heading north. As I was running, I wasn't paying full attention to the game since I was planning on running a long distance, but when I looked back at the game in about 3 minutes, all of my gear was gone. My player wasn't getting stuck on anything that would have let another player walk up to me and just take it.

I was playing on the following server: DayZ 1-17 (Public/Veteran) 114008 Multiplay :: 3PP:ON :: aggoverlord

IP Address:

I ran back to look for it but eventually just gave up because I knew the odds of finding my gear were very slim to none.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Unable To Reproduce
Steps To Reproduce

I wouldn't know where to start to reproduce it...

Event Timeline

euronate edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 19 2014, 6:37 AM
euronate set Category to Inventory.
euronate set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
euronate set Severity to None.
euronate set Resolution to No Bug.
euronate set Legacy ID to 1388592475.May 8 2016, 7:59 PM
pRemi added a subscriber: pRemi.May 8 2016, 7:59 PM

You may be victim of a cheater. There is a cheat software that can see an inventory of all players on the server, it is likely that a cheater stole your equipment.

andy added a subscriber: andy.May 8 2016, 7:59 PM
andy added a comment.Sep 19 2014, 2:42 PM

Indeed sounds like a cheat.
We are aware of the problem and working to resolve it but it most likely not a bug.
Thank you,