Warped Character: I was running around the forest beyond the train tracks just south of Novodmitrovsk when my frame rate dropped from 25fps to 5fps. I noticed my character looked like a character model from Madden '98 on PS1, and bits of his clothes had gaps revealing the "naked" model underneath. When I logged off of the server, and went back to the main menu where I noticed the character looked the same. I had experienced this glitch a couple more times running along the tracks NW along the train tracks.
Items stuck: I was able to place a full backpack(BP1) into an empty backpack(BP2) (same goes for clothing items). When I tried to remove BP1 from BP2 BP1's texture was still in BP2. BP1 was on the floor--the desired outcome. I then dragged BP1 out of BP2 again. The BP1 on the floor disappeared, and the BP1 texture in BP2 was also gone. I later found the BP1 had 'teleported' into a wall on the outside of the building I was in. This has happened to me several times while trying to find ways to reproduce the bug.