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- User Since
- Dec 26 2013, 2:51 PM (586 w, 21 h)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
no_more edited Steps To Reproduce on T95415: [Suggestion] add negative effects of masks, hats, helmets, etc..
no_more added a comment to T88174: Feature Request: Add "Eat all" or "Eat until full" options for food and drink items.
phoboss, but what if you urgently need to get up and run/shot/etc. for any reason? I think eating/drinking until you holding a button is much better.
no_more added a comment to T88174: Feature Request: Add "Eat all" or "Eat until full" options for food and drink items.
I think the better idea is to add the ability to eat/drink something while you holding a button (same as shooting). So if you hold a button character keeps biting/drinking, if you press just once - character takes just one bite/drink.
If <eat/drink until full> action will be added than it will be impossible to cancel this action (stop eating/drinking) until character finishes.
no_more added a comment to T86888: Third person gives unfair advantage / decreases experience of the game.
I've got the compromise for you guys. What if the 3rd person view will be not available only while you in combat?