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- User Since
- Mar 11 2013, 8:51 PM (626 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
meansoap edited Steps To Reproduce on T94424: Drinking container volume is dcl and not dl.
meansoap edited Steps To Reproduce on T94151: Compass bearing numbers mirrored.
meansoap added a comment to T89215: Ability to give self Infinite Ammo and No Recoil.
Seems like a troll this one...
meansoap edited Steps To Reproduce on T62968: Vehicles have unrealistic traction on gravel.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
meansoap added a comment to T61424: Hitting multiple keys will lock player movement..
Had something similar happen to me while in SP. I was walking forward and played with the "lower weapon" movement and suddenly I was just walking forward with gun lowered and not been able to do anything at first but change view and use free look (alt). Problem was only solved by weapon change from scroll menu from primary to secondary arm. After the weapon change things went back to normal.
OS: Win 7 64-bit
meansoap added a comment to T58992: Bullet-in-chamber accounting.
This would be a great feature to have and for the "eject" feature something like double tap "Reload" would do a quick pull back to get bullet from old mag out and first from new mag in..