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- User Since
- Dec 19 2013, 2:36 PM (585 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Sprayed enough players, nothing was ruined... Never experienced this. But then again, I don't know the state of the items of my victim before I kill them 8D.
I was stuck in front of a sewerpipe, just freefalling over and over for 1 meter and could not move, look around or DO anything. Nothing worked. Thank god I had some desinfectant with me, but without it, it could take hours before I was unconcious, with full health and full stomach...
Suicide should definitely be in the game in case you get stuck.
Vicinity-method is really small and you got to be within 20 cm of the object. I hav eabsolutely no problem picking stuff up, just point at the object with your aiming-dot. But please note that the "Take" command does not show up when you already have that item, or in a better state (like cloths, guns or shoes).
Seems like the player's bodies disappear whe they exit the server or respawn, maybe. But it might also just disappear :p
That has to me the most retarded idea I have ever read.
Timer is a good idea, yes. But it really needs to be careful not to be too punishable. Main thing is to kepe the game playable for everyone and not limit it because "some" players do things the rest don't do. They must not be the victim of some unorthodox method of stopping hoppers/ghosters.
Thus makign a times is very delicate tweaking.
The problem with the timer is that it prevent legit people from switching serfvers, because maybe a cheater, no loot, friends etc.
It's better to lock their server to their character for 5 minutes or something. This means, being able to join and leave the server, yet once you join a server, you cannot join other servers than the one you joined for 5 minutes. This also deals a blow to server-hoppers, yet it maintains the playability of people with good intentions.