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- User Since
- Sep 26 2013, 11:05 AM (595 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
unload ANY mods before you claim bugs to BI.
solving your problem is very easy.
unload and delete the soundmod "Speed of Sound" from your arma3 installation.
development branch 1.47.131133 has same problem as stable,
certain cargo types stopped to work with slingload.
No mods running!!!
more info!?
use this test mission:
it simple does NOT WORK anymore and there are no errors in .RPTs concerning this problem!
after more testing found out there are certain cargo types which worked previous update 1.46
have now stopped to function with slingload.
test mission:
all slingload cargo types from editor class objects (containers) stopped working!
NOTE they have all the "DLC Helicopters" Icon!
slingload cargo net from editor class ammo stopped working!
NOTE this too have the "DLC Helicopter" Icon!
the only editor class that still works are the slingload supports containers.
have also the "DLC Helicopter" Icon.
and slingload able vehicles seem to work too
made new test mission, has two mission markers named "cargo that still works"
and "cargo that stopped working".
start mission and you will see all cargo types at marker "cargo that stopped working" WONT work anymore!
.RPT added in zip file
today's update fixed the issue !
thank you
switching back to stable ArmA3 Tools resolves issue
exact this behavior occurs too
example - end of RPT file
13:59:09 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
The next line, if successful would show (but doesn't, unless I remove the bikey causing the issue):
14:03:00 Connected to Steam servers
did test it myself, subscribed development branch ArmA3 Tools,
created test key, loaded it together with other keys,
then started server...
exact same behavior as described above in links
server shows never online
download this keys start them together
server wont show online and each time you switch off server console you have to kill process manual.
"Q-Net_test.bikey" name of key made with development branch of Arma 3 Tools
it also happens when AI is driving the tank
it also happens when AI is driving the tank
bug sneaked in today's main branch 1.02.110424
problem still exists
tested again in new development build 1.03.110425
problem still exists.
hope this does not sneak into probably stable patch tomorrow !
link to forum thread:
since EXE rev. 110573 fixed