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- User Since
- Jan 6 2014, 3:26 PM (585 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
lemmingzappa edited Steps To Reproduce on T95036: Leg broken by bed in military base.
lemmingzappa edited Steps To Reproduce on T93659: Prevent zooming when using bound mice buttons in inventory.
lemmingzappa added a comment to T91592: Instant Death Glitch (Inside Buildings on 2nd or higher level).
The same happened to me when running into a room on the 2nd floor of the factory (South East).
lemmingzappa added a comment to T91077: Toggable controls staying on 'on' state.
I have also had the 'alt' key stuck and I could not stop looking around.
lemmingzappa added a comment to T87119: Unconscious body slides indefinitely.
I have seen this happen to somebody who was carrying a fire extinguisher inside a building, whilst bleeding. Once shot in the head the body would slide along the ground forever making it difficult to loot.