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User Details
- User Since
- Apr 10 2015, 4:27 PM (517 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
krudaddy edited Steps To Reproduce on T110803: Experimental - Apple Tree Issues.
krudaddy edited Steps To Reproduce on T110802: Experimental Server - Weapons Always Dropped.
krudaddy set Category to category:items on T110140: Handcuffs are Everywhere!.
krudaddy edited Steps To Reproduce on T110139: Vehicle Refueling.
krudaddy edited Steps To Reproduce on T110138: Thrown tents vanish..
krudaddy edited Steps To Reproduce on T110137: Character Deleted on Restart.
krudaddy added a comment to T109665: Loot respawning isn`t working items are getting extremly rare.
My team and I burned all of the loot in the far west military base trying to trigger a respawn. There was no result.
krudaddy added a comment to T106540: Close ticket please.
It currently takes a dozen or more items just to hunt and cook the food. Won't live long enough to collect those items without food spawns. Persistent servers already have that problem. Need more matches and cooking equipment before less food.