User Details
- User Since
- Feb 21 2019, 2:20 PM (317 w, 4 d)
Feb 24 2020
Feb 21 2020
Russian guy with cheats (you can see how to use cheats in game)
One more video with china cheaters
That problem I have too with trees and woods and other texturs. Dont know how say on english, I will say on russian: "муравейники, гора сена (не стог сена), деревья, кусты."
Have video proofs, that chinees ppl
Thay have nicknames like "120319290" frash new profiles
That china hacker have big team on that server. I play on 4313 to, make tread to. Support you maaann
up, that so big problem for that game. Need new anti-cheat system. China have a lot free time bcs thay have Corona virus and programmers make new cheats for that game
Jan 29 2020
Jan 27 2020
Support can do something with problem?
I can help you Bohemia with serach cheat programs. I love that game but that problam FATAL for DayZ and I so BIG fan that game, but after that not wanned play again. I know, I pay money for game, play 1000 hours+ and you can do nothing and not lose money from me, but PPL will stop play if you will not ban that cheaters one more
Apr 5 2019
Apr 2 2019
@Geez up
@Geez up
@Geez you know about that problem?