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Server name when all happend:
lastMPServerName="DayZ NL 3664719 (Public) - Hosted by";

Boohemia, you can ban them and other cheaters? You can give me back last loose stuff when they kill me?

I drop link to on off a lot programs where bad players can use cheat, change to Private task when you can


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

That sooo BIG problem for DayZ. Dont know about other players, but I think stupid idea play in game where you need use 1-2 hours and after Cheater kill you and you cant do something.
They destroy all fun, all what you do, camp, they kill you and what I can do in game when I will suck from cheaters.

On this server in 9:00 Moscow Time (mayby +- 10 min) cheaters kill me. They call players (shoot in the air) and when people from the server coming, they kill from so far range use MP5 or something like that.

They have nickname with numbers (like 01234211).

Before on other server Livonia after 1 day all my bases and camps destroed (4 camps) and other people have that problem to, but I not safe more info. I play 1 year and can choose safe place for camp.

I play 1 year and no have that problem before. Last week have a lot contacts with cheaters when they kill me from the range and found soooo stels base. I think that problem make 1.06 update and bad guys have apportunity make cheats.

Can you back my stuff from character? I die only now on this server. Can you bad that cheaters? I just search what the cheat they can use and first link in Google I found

Boohemia, you can block that and other cheaters? You can give me back last loose my stuff after die?

I see on the other servers a lot new Steam profiles with suspicias names (numbers 9323827331) and PPl who play on that servers tell me, they have contacts with cheaters in Dayz to.

That game loose all pluses after that, bcs I not fould when someone kill me and use cheats. Just cheack and give me my stuff back when you belive me.


Event Timeline

koekto1000 updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 27 2020, 7:54 AM
koekto1000 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
koekto1000 updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 27 2020, 8:01 AM

I can help you Bohemia with serach cheat programs. I love that game but that problam FATAL for DayZ and I so BIG fan that game, but after that not wanned play again. I know, I pay money for game, play 1000 hours+ and you can do nothing and not lose money from me, but PPL will stop play if you will not ban that cheaters

Support can do something with problem?