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- User Since
- Mar 9 2013, 8:05 AM (621 w, 1 d)
May 9 2016
Yep, I can repro this with red dot and RCO scope. Only seems to happen when looking down the sight. Haven't tried ironsights yet.
What NoUseForAName said. It's nice than you're thanking the devs, and I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment, but definitely take it to the BI forums.
That would be interesting. There's another bug/feature request on the tracker about changing the weapon drop/switch animations to represent soldiers using 2 point / 1 point slings, since those are commonly used nowadays. That would be a lot easier than the somewhat-outdated "sling weapon on the shoulder" animation.
That's an issue with default fire mode I think. Some weapons have it set for auto, others for semi. I also mostly use semi, and have to cycle through sometimes. I believe that when you switch to a weapon with shift+num it selected the default fire mode, but I'm not 100% certain of that.
It doesn't already do the shift+num type toggle (to my knowledge), but I agree. Could it also hypothetically be used for fire modes?
e.g. (Unit has one main weapon, AT launcher, one smoke grenade, and one frag grenade)
Shift+1 > selects main weapon with default firemode (in this example, semi). Pressing shift+1 again (or pressing F once) would cycle to the other firemode(s).
Pressing F (or Shift+2) would then select the AT launcher and trigger the relevant animation. I'm not sure how it would work with grenades (not being able to cycle grenade types easily is a pain), but in my perfect arma3 world shift+3 would switch to your main grenade (frag), and pressing it would cycle through other grenade types. I guess shift+4 would be utility (chemlights, SLAMs and other explosives).
While I love the new grenade physics and the lack of animation-lock, the "shoulder-mounted grenade cannon" is a bit unrealistic. As for weapon switching and safety, I like the A2 implementation (could actually be an ACE feature, now that I think about it):
- F cycles through everything, but you really only use it for fire modes.
- Shift+number (Shift+1) brings up the corresponding weapon (1 is primary, 2 is secondary/back (usually for AT or grenade launcher), 3 and 4 are frag and smoke grenades, I believe). It's a lot easier to use Shift+num in game, rather than frantically pressing F until you get the right weapon/firemode.
- Shift+~ is safe, which would toggle back to the last selected firemode (currently in A2 it doesn't)
That eliminates a lot of mouse/button clicks, and doesn't accidentally ND anybody. :p
P.S. I feel ok with the current sidearm selection (add-action), but it could definitely have a Shift+num shortcut.