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- User Since
- Feb 8 2014, 12:51 PM (579 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
jj_wedemyer edited Steps To Reproduce on T94833: Being kicked for no reason and then have join timer.
jj_wedemyer edited Steps To Reproduce on T94765: DayZ needs 1.7Mbit/s on my internet-connections.
jj_wedemyer added a comment to T94663: Remove login timer when logging back in to same server.
Against combat loggers we have a log out timer... isnt it that way?
jj_wedemyer added a comment to T89586: Maximum STANAG Ammo stacks depending on the size of the magazine..
I would recommend change the stackamount to 40 and change the double clipped mags to two single mags so it has to reload and that we can craft these with mags of 40 rounds too. Or change the stack amount to 60 or 100...