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- User Since
- Sep 17 2013, 6:45 PM (598 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
I'm with this guy- there is a fun element that needs to be present in the game and the explosions and flames in the graphics end of things is still-particularly in light of other games- way on the short end of the stick- please improve and thanks
Agreed, but frankly the visual difference from the Opfor in the game and friendly is incredibly small- I would be hugely concerned in a real world situation that there was some measure taken to better ID forces - and Special Forces frankly should at least be hauling different gear if not wearing different camo. They get the latitude to do that because they aren't held on a tight leash like other regular line troop folks and frankly, they should know quite well what it takes to do their job, therefore they pick their own loadout
May 9 2016
Put em in and make it an option in the editor- particularly if she's as cute as the above pic- I'm with the guy above tho who doesn't dig on shooting chicks- no clue why I'd ever seek that as an option- the fact that they can be front line now should be represented and perhaps... it just might cause people to -maybe- understand war ( in reality ) really sucks and games is where it belongs. Women are game changers tho- just ask the Seal Team who popped Bin Laden what the gender was of their lead contact with the CIA