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- User Since
- Sep 18 2015, 1:54 PM (493 w, 3 d)
Jun 4 2022
May 10 2016
The PPJoy workaround fix the Problem to 100% but it DONT work anymore because battleeye anticheat dont allow windows testmode anymore! PPjoy dont have a driver license so you need the testmode to run it.
I did but Im from germany and many technical things are hard to understand.
Ok now I disabled all other Joystic devices, created a new Profile and I have this settings now. And I still have the problem with flying jets. Only above 50% the jet starts moving.
class JoysticksList
class Joystick1
guid="6AB591C0-4025-11E5-8001-444553540000"; name="Saitek X52 Pro Flight Control System"; offset=256; isXInput=0; sensitivity[]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; deadZone[]={0.07,0.07,0,0.07,0.07,0.07,0,0}; steepness[]={1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; mode="Custom"; analogClickHigh=0.40000001; analogClickLow=0.2;
In games like DCS UH1 or FSX I dont have Problems like this...
I have still the Problem. I use the Saitek x52Pro and I want to fly jets.
when I put my throttle from 0% to 1-50% the engine starts but the plane dont move. when I go over 50% the speed of the jet rise extreme fast so its very dificult to taxi. So I only can use the upper 50% of my trottle.
I bound both axis (z- and z+) to analog throttle. Problem still exists... any solution?
same with helicopters. Its unrealistic if you have to use 60%throttle only to stay in the air. You need up to 90% enginepower and maybe 10-20% throttle.