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Mar 7 2013, 5:37 PM (625 w, 6 d)

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May 9 2016

ffelcoomediach added a comment to T61872: New technique for rendering grass at far distance.

@Kolins: You're right, the results with objects behind the concealed soldier are not visually perfect, but to be honest, it's not that big of a deal. The concealment is not affected by that, it's only a minor graphical issue in my opinion.

May 9 2016, 11:31 PM · Arma 3
ffelcoomediach added a comment to T61872: New technique for rendering grass at far distance.

@wesly2015: Interesting question. Yes, it will work, because of one simple reason: The distance this technique applies in is so great, that the stereo effect is nearly non existent there. Your eyeball distance is maybe about 10 cm, so you have a great sense of depth for objects close to you. The more far away objects get, the smaller the difference will be between the two eyeballs, so you will simply not notice, that the alpha layers don't differ each other.

May 9 2016, 11:31 PM · Arma 3
ffelcoomediach added a comment to T61872: New technique for rendering grass at far distance.

@Drill: Yes, might be a good idea. I can't say how much of a performance impact that might be, considering there might be a whole platoon of maybe 30 soldiers hiding somewhere.

May 9 2016, 11:31 PM · Arma 3
ffelcoomediach added a comment to T61872: New technique for rendering grass at far distance.

@Zombo: I guess there already is an indicator if there is grass at the position the soldier is lying, as the current "sinking" method only applies if there is grass.

May 9 2016, 11:30 PM · Arma 3
ffelcoomediach edited Steps To Reproduce on T61872: New technique for rendering grass at far distance.
May 9 2016, 11:30 PM · Arma 3
ffelcoomediach edited Steps To Reproduce on T60571: Vehicle sounds have no doppler effect.
May 9 2016, 9:49 PM · Arma 3
ffelcoomediach added a comment to T59877: Suggestion to add Moveable searchlights to choppers and vehicles.

Had the exact same thought when I sat into the KA-60. The spotlight is hardly any use in the current state, as it points to the ground directly below the helicopter.
I guess it is possible to implement without major changes, as far as I'm concerned.

May 9 2016, 7:17 PM · Arma 3