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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 9:32 PM (580 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
dmitriikeler set Category to category:general on T89412: Player model too small on distance.
dmitriikeler added a comment to T87421: DAYZ Standalone White blurriness.
Ive also spotted this. I have found this little aspect - getting on a ladder makes everything ok until u get of it.
dmitriikeler added a comment to T87202: Night time can be easily cheated away with gamma/brightness sliders for night vision.
You can always change brightness in your monitor settings, so its a bit pointless
dmitriikeler added a comment to T87147: suggestion: (inconvenient flashlight) shoulder flashlight mount (not a spacebar issue, meh).
Yeah, making a possibility to attach it with scotch tape is a good and realistic idea.
Ive used flashlight at night yesterday a hour or two, it seemed ok, but it gives a bit small ray while being close to an object.
I support this.
dmitriikeler added a comment to T87147: suggestion: (inconvenient flashlight) shoulder flashlight mount (not a spacebar issue, meh).
there is a forehead flashlight in game
dmitriikeler added a comment to T86883: Doors on the floor under you will open.
Yes, had this bug in the same type building north of Kamenka. It looked like i could open the door, but when i tried nothing happened, only indicator changed from "closed" to "opened"
dmitriikeler added a comment to T86442: [Collision] Collection of buildings that make the character stop on stairs or doorways etc..
Also those new 10-14 floors high building near cherno, stairs