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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 2:42 AM (626 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
@JQuel Yeah. I tried to debug it and my guess is, that it fails at picking unit types (groups) on its own.
There are already 2 submission regarding this problem
No. Seems to be fixed.
May 9 2016
Well, what you said sounds pretty reasonable.
for example "[] spawn {sleep 2; // do something};" works perfect.
I guess this Issue is nonsense then. My bad.
It seems like, this also happens, when you have a "sleep" in an eventhandler.
So my observations with dev branch (106998) and X360 Gamepad in a MH9 with digital collective
Up: 1900
Neutral: 0
Down: -1800
With Q/Z on keyboard I get the same values. So if this is the intended raise/lower value then it should be fine.
However, with analog collective I get (using left and right trigger)
Up: 2150
Neutral: -1250
Down: -1950
The Neutral -1250 comes from the Raise (Analogue) and not lower. So I guess the zero of that Axis gets interpreted wrong.
So. It's still not really consistent. But I would love to use the analog setting when neutral wouldn't drag my heli down.
Yeah. I also figured out, it always takes the same time. Its like a fixed animation and not loading
My latest observation (latest Dev Build) is...
when you hit preview for the first time, behaviour is still the same as before.
BUT...from now on, if you go back to editor and preview again the problem is gone. I'm on the map / in my mission in a matter of 2-3 seconds.
Which makes editing and testing a loooot less painful.
I wonder if it has something todo with the following note from the Changelog
"Editor loading took long when using MX rifles - fixed"