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User Details
- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 8:52 PM (626 w, 5 d)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
darnus added a comment to T62222: Be able to join a friend on a server using Steam´s Friends list.
my friend and I have been okay just by giving our servers...'memorable' names. Although, generally better cooperation with the steam client would be great.
darnus added a comment to T60871: Lighting glitches through walls in some buildings.
should be noted there was no window behind me
darnus edited Steps To Reproduce on T60871: Lighting glitches through walls in some buildings.
darnus edited Steps To Reproduce on T60870: Sometimes running 'sticks'.
darnus edited Steps To Reproduce on T60667: when the front of a building is blown up, the glass in the windows stays.
darnus edited Steps To Reproduce on T60665: Chemsticks don't produce light during daytime, or even dusk.
darnus edited Steps To Reproduce on T59730: [Again, maybe not the best place for this] Can I please switch to my sidearm while moving?.
darnus added a comment to T59723: Can't map third person swap to my mouse.
Yep--sorry about the confusion. It's working now.
God, I feel stupid for posting something here that I thought was a glitch, but it was really just my own idiocy. Sorry again for wasting valuable dev time.
darnus edited Steps To Reproduce on T59723: Can't map third person swap to my mouse.
darnus edited Steps To Reproduce on T59222: [Feature request] Really need a running vault.
darnus edited Steps To Reproduce on T58685: AI sometimes act very strangely.
darnus edited Steps To Reproduce on T58680: Shadow floating / misalignment.
darnus added a comment to T58679: Started swimming in mid air.
Additional information--repeated by dropping all items, then after pistol is drawn, look down and drop pistol from inventory--here's another photo with that one.
darnus edited Steps To Reproduce on T58679: Started swimming in mid air.