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- User Since
- Mar 20 2014, 5:25 PM (570 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
chryses added a comment to T97282: Dying in tower for no apparent reason..
its called headshot, sometimes the sound doesnt come out when you die. The report would be better on the sound part.
This has happened to me before, but since I had friends I knew I was shot at.
chryses added a comment to T96846: Unable to fill canteen at at water well or lake..
another option is to get a mouse with a wheel if thats the problem XD
chryses edited Steps To Reproduce on T96403: Game unplayable.
chryses added a comment to T96363: After Update to .42 (steam) game is unplayable (Multible bugs).
everything of the above has happened to me.
chryses added a comment to T96360: 100% for weapon spawn at the third floor of office/school building..
people are downvoting beacause its true :S... cmon people, You cant be asses. We are helping to get an awesome game working well not with known advantages...