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User Since
Feb 4 2014, 10:49 AM (578 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

chanman1197 added a comment to T94444: Lost all My Gear Server saved not my Gear.

Same here! my friends character froze in place running on my screen so he logged out and we both had gear we'd accumlated over hours and hours medical kits, food water tons of weapons and ammo you name it. WHen he logged back on he had basic items and lost all his gear. i played for another 10 mins or so and then the server disconnected and I went back to the menu. At the menu I still had all my gear visible on my player but once I joined the server again, my spawn area and gear were all reset. So bummed!

May 10 2016, 7:53 PM · DayZ
chanman1197 added a comment to T87193: HIT DETECTION.

agreed. Soooo hard to kill zombies with melee weapons.

May 10 2016, 3:20 PM · DayZ
chanman1197 added a comment to T86874: Losing all your gear and spawning on the coast after changing server/relogging..

Same here! my friends character froze in place running on my screen so he logged out and we both had gear we'd accumlated over hours and hours medical kits, food water tons of weapons and ammo you name it. WHen he logged back on he had basic items and lost all his gear. i played for another 10 mins or so and then the server disconnected and I went back to the menu. At the menu I still had all my gear visible on my player but once I joined the server again, my spawn area and gear were all reset. So bummed!

May 10 2016, 3:04 PM · DayZ
chanman1197 added a comment to T86782: quick swap 1-9 doesn't work correctly 100% of the time.

Comfirmed Somtimes when I join a server or at random points I cannot equip anythining and have to back out of the server and rejoin and it ususally fixes it but I am afraid to quit servers now if I have anything of value because I'm not sure if it'll be there when I get back as me and my friends players jsut got reset as well.

May 10 2016, 2:39 PM · DayZ
chanman1197 added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

Same here! my friends character froze in place running on my screen so he logged out and we both had gear we'd accumlated over hours and hours medical kits, food water tons of weapons and ammo you name it. WHen he logged back on he had basic items and lost all his gear. i played for another 10 mins or so and then the server disconnected and I went back to the menu. At the menu I still had all my gear visible on my player but once I joined the server again, my spawn area and gear were all reset. So bummed! I had soooooo much gear its not even funny...... I was set. PISSED I know its an alpha but like Vorian said Idgaf about ghost noises and shit but hours and hours of progress gone fackkkk.

May 10 2016, 1:27 PM · DayZ