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- User Since
- Feb 9 2014, 4:44 PM (580 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
bonejunkie edited Steps To Reproduce on T94849: Hats/Helmets & Masks: Mask Textures Overlaps/Bleeds over Hats/Hemets - Looks Bad.
bonejunkie edited Steps To Reproduce on T94847: Mosin & PU Scope: Rain Not Visible Through Scope When Raining.
bonejunkie added a comment to T94842: Zombies can hit you from the Floor under you.(Example: Your are in the second stage and the Zombie hits you from the first stage.
Yes, I had this happen in one of the "white mansions with the piano."
I was upstairs, my buddy downstairs swinging an axe to hit a zombie, and ended up hitting me!
bonejunkie added a comment to T91653: sniping in prone hits dirt.
I had this dirt issue while proning by the construction site in Berezino. I was actually trying to see across the incline, not up or down it.
bonejunkie added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..
Ditto to all the above. Outside cities 60-80FPS, inside cities there is a drop. Inside big cities like Cherno, Zelenogorsk, Berezino have massive drops in to the high 20's and low 30's depending if I'm looking towards a lot of buildings and buildings behind buildings.
i5 2500K @ 4GHz
GTX 680 superclocked 2GB
Win 7 64bit