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- User Since
- Jun 23 2016, 6:22 AM (451 w, 4 d)
Dec 12 2017
Dec 12 2017
bloobenga8647 added a comment to T127228: bad_module_info.
I've gotten this error many times since the recent Windows update. I'm on the Dev branch of the game with several mods loaded, but there's one mod in particular that I can recreate the error with without fail, Personal Arsenal. My friend has the same mod, playing on the same server, doing the same thing, but his never does it. I get the error mostly when closing PA but I have gotten it while entering it. I've gotten "bad_module_info" a few times leaving the map but it does not appear as often as the PA crash. It crashes both in singleplayer and multiplayer.
Jun 24 2016
Jun 24 2016
bloobenga8647 edited Steps To Reproduce on T118590: ENVG-II is blocking the sight in first person if you are wearing the Special Purpose Suit.
Jun 23 2016
Jun 23 2016