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User Since
Jan 8 2014, 8:53 PM (582 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

bleednsilence added a comment to T93715: Character Reset on Every Login (Ver: 114557) (23 Jan).

seems some gameservers hosted servers working fine..i saw all of DayZ SJ 1-(all servers)

May 10 2016, 7:28 PM · DayZ
bleednsilence edited Additional Information on T92671: all items is receiving,like no connection to server.
May 10 2016, 6:46 PM · DayZ
bleednsilence added a comment to T92651: Joining a server but can't take anything into hands, or interact with doors, corpses and anything else..

i have the same issue but for me all servers is just like this

May 10 2016, 6:46 PM · DayZ
bleednsilence added a comment to T90930: Interesting issue regarding 100k desync *Confirmed Fix in notes*.

we cant really confirm if containers or 60clip ammo deos the desync..
here is the video i created
i tried completely turning off my firewall and it helped me a little since i cant really do anything on every server before.but when i turned my firewall off and updated my battle eye manually(*make sure to download the dayz version*,i can connect to some servers now with no problem just a few desync sometimes.hope it may help some people,and feel free to comment too in my video what happened after trying it.

May 10 2016, 5:49 PM · DayZ
bleednsilence added a comment to T90930: Interesting issue regarding 100k desync *Confirmed Fix in notes*.

wow,i thought my friend just have a bad internet.this is exactly the same issue my friend have

May 10 2016, 5:49 PM · DayZ