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- Apr 3 2014, 10:25 PM (567 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Any distance 100-500m iirc. 500+ is a bit better, but still, this issue pops up.
To clarify - in pitchblack conditionds.
Ach, well, in that case...( I lost it thanks to this comment )
Seems like death animation is triggered only when I trigger dialog about tank, otherwise Kerry spews "This does not seem right, where am I?" and after 10, game fails to LOAD/END screen.
Also, user controller team, is able to pass this threshold, without harm.
@BadVideogamer - well, its even more unrealistic, when you are not able to access those bodies.
@L3TUC3 - nope, either there is bug or locked vehicles dont allow that.
Well. It is a battle field. ARMA aims to achieve realism, what kind of buzz kill is a "lock to improve experience". This just kills experience. In any way, it does not improve it! It is like having player in army depot, with hunderds of vehicles parked, set to "NO ACCESS, LETS IMPROVE EXPERIENCE"... It is a battle field, you conquer, you own, you use it!
I mean, how can you lockout quad? with RFID chip?( yeah, its 2035, buts its an island, forgotten by all!)
Also, there seems to be another issue - friendlies wont follow player( team leader ) until HALO is shot down.
Nope, this even happens if I remove item and try to put it back. So there should be storage space in crate - unless game/script restocks it with something.
Well, this should be fixed than - scenario crate cap should be removed or some sort of dialog to choose what is left and what is dropped should be present after mission.
Yes, it did. And as soon as it did, I felt weird. I'm able to drive supply truck, but not MRAP parked next to it? Or I'm able to drive MRAP/Quad/supply truck but not halo?
Might be duplicate of:
Except NVG issue(this also include backpack removal )
Also, entering scout mission tends to remove NVGs from head slot - it remains if its in inventory.