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- User Since
- Jun 22 2013, 12:28 AM (611 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
antonfroberg added a comment to T74815: Landing with the WY-55 will make the MROT to be destroyed.
This is happening when the AI is leaving/entering the chopper when the engine is running. This also happens when there is someone in the rotor area when you are starting the engine
antonfroberg edited Steps To Reproduce on T74696: The mid rotor of the hellcat destroys when units enter ride on back.
antonfroberg edited Steps To Reproduce on T69428: No binouculars in soldiers inventory.
antonfroberg added a comment to T69065: Forest fire simulation.
If the fire gets to big it will cause lagg. it`s already happening when cars are set on fire
antonfroberg edited Steps To Reproduce on T69031: No binouculars in units inventory.
antonfroberg edited Steps To Reproduce on T68187: No empty shells fired out from the bluefor weapons.