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- User Since
- Mar 10 2013, 1:27 AM (623 w, 4 d)
Nov 5 2016
Nov 5 2016
YellO edited Steps To Reproduce on T120908: Analog Input values are divided with number of assigned axes..
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
YellO added a comment to T59515: Character gets stuck when lowering weapon while in (special stance).
Another bug with lowering weapon:
- Stand up, take special stance and move forward
- Hit "Toggle Raise Weapon" key
- You will be forced to go prone and stand up immediately
YellO added a comment to T59253: Contour lines are very difficult to see on the map.
Separating colour option for more map components (not only icons) will be nice.
Also, lines on GPS screen have too weak contrast.
You barely see any details other than roads and coastlines
particularly when you are moving fast or it is night time.
A1/A2 GPS was much more visible with its white non-transparent background,
so just returning to previous style will do better, imho.
YellO added a comment to T58803: PIP screens flicker, most likely caused by SLI / Crossfire..
Here comes 1.24 and this issue is still there.
UAV Terminals and car mirrors are unusable in most of play times.