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- User Since
- Mar 29 2015, 6:53 AM (518 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
@snipertrifle: This action is being used this way by players right now because of the way it currently functions, not vice versa. I -personally- think this is just defect abuse, albeit on such a massive scale it became part of the culture. :/
@MrRamboRex: Regardless of checking pulse (as it is now), you never truly know their name. Just like they can tell you a fake name on voice, they can change the character name right on the main screen. Or do you go around asking for GUIDs?
MrRamboRex) The point of checking the pulse is to determine the player's health status / whether they're dead or not. NOT to find out their name, which makes no sense whatsoever - do you touch someone IRL to instantly find out their full name?
I suggested two options - whether a 'He' and 'She' or the neutral 'They'. Please read the issue ticket thoroughly.
snipertrifle) An admin can find the hacker's name from a server log, which now tracks who killed who. There is no reason to make EACH player a telepath and kill immersion to compensate for a minor issue that won't even be an issue by release time.
Alternatively, the action could always return a neutral 'They' (instead of 'He' or 'She'), since I know that some people reject the notion of gender binarism. Also eliminates the extra logic needed to determine the other player model's gender.
Freehand spraying would be nice. Tagging looted houses, spraying arrows on tarmac, etc. But I'm afraid it will devolve into all walls being covered with "[KOS]l33Thaxx0R420nosCope wuz herr lulz" :P