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User Since
Jan 20 2015, 10:42 PM (528 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

Vanderwoude330 added a comment to T107400: Z is blocking doorway.

On an unrelated note, your user name means grandmother in Dutch.

May 11 2016, 3:35 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 added a comment to T107400: Z is blocking doorway.

Happens to me all the time

May 11 2016, 3:35 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 added a comment to T107384: Game crashes at random moments in-game..

I've post the same issue multiple times and posted on other people's issues that have the same problem. No admins have responded yet.

May 11 2016, 3:34 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 added a comment to T107370: My day z crashes after 30 minutes of playing randomly why?.

I have had this problem as well and attached my crash folder data. No one had looked at it yet.

May 11 2016, 3:34 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 edited Steps To Reproduce on T107359: Hypothermia death, no unconscious status.
May 11 2016, 3:33 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 added a comment to T107289: Dayz has stopped working.

I have also tried re-installing Dayz. It seemed to help for an hour or two and then the problem came right back.

May 11 2016, 3:31 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 edited Steps To Reproduce on T107289: Dayz has stopped working.
May 11 2016, 3:31 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 added a comment to T107277: crafted rock disappears.

I have had this issue as well. At first it let me craft knives and then on a private server it just kept disappearing.

May 11 2016, 3:31 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 added a comment to T107275: Game crashes radomly in game, on exiting server or on exiting game.

I have had the same issue. More so with the random crashes. At first I thought it had something to do with other players cause every time I got in a stand off I would crash, but now I'm crashing anywhere at anytime. I was just running around in a forest by myself and suddenly crashed.

May 11 2016, 3:31 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 added a comment to T107272: It takes way too long to actively warm up/actively cool down character.

I'm not sure if it's a glitch or not, but when I'm cold I start a fire and there are no messages that I am getting any warmer. If I wait around long enough it will eventually go away and then after the cold status is gone it says I am starting to warm up, but not before.

May 11 2016, 3:31 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 added a comment to T107246: Game crashes randomly.

I have tried reinstalling it and it fixed it for about half an hour. Now it just crashes randomly

May 11 2016, 3:30 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 edited Steps To Reproduce on T107246: Game crashes randomly.
May 11 2016, 3:30 AM · DayZ
Vanderwoude330 added a comment to T105477: Zero gun policy.

It's already very easy to gear up in this game. In fact, food is too common in my opinion, but that will be worked out later. If you want to pvp just look for weapons in elektro or in the neighboring towns. When I want to pvp I can find a gun in about 10 minutes if I'm anywhere near a major city. Not to mention you can craft knives and bows to use if you are really desperate.

May 11 2016, 2:22 AM · DayZ