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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 3:21 AM (584 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Thirteen edited Steps To Reproduce on T97109: Changing graphical settings whilst in game.
Thirteen edited Steps To Reproduce on T97096: Torch reflection stays on environment.
Thirteen set Category to category:other on T87994: Receiving other peoples Dayzgame Feedback logins.
Thirteen added a comment to T87991: Primary mouse button doesn't work for actions.
This is how it has always been.
Thirteen set Category to category:general on T87968: Game always starts blurry until i change it.
Thirteen added a comment to T87963: Screen becomes sort of a Solid Color, Nothing visible sceenshot included.
I started to get this problem also as of new patch. Same conditions. I would join 1 server it could be either night or day so wanna change and rejoin and get this
Thirteen added a comment to T86874: Losing all your gear and spawning on the coast after changing server/relogging..
Start-up from 0.28 showed my character kitted out, logging in back to fresh spawn!
Thirteen edited Steps To Reproduce on T86682: Changing graphical settings whilst in game.
Thirteen added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..
Agree with this. I have GTX780 and a 4770k and get roughly 20-30fps in Cherno.
I play with V-sync on and get full 60fps in some houses and usually out in the wild
Thirteen edited Steps To Reproduce on T86650: Torch reflection stays on environment.
Thirteen added a comment to T86579: Random Zombie Sounds [PRIMARY REPORT].
Yep I get it too. I actually recall Dean mentioned in one of his videos that they where having a sound bug.