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- User Since
- Nov 20 2014, 8:44 AM (529 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Theodor added a comment to T105512: Two story buildings randomly breaking legs.
I had the same issue, but only when I ate in a two story building. Sucks.
Theodor edited Steps To Reproduce on T105511: Issue Reguarding Clothing Inventory - Black Hole of Space Available - Suggestions / other issues.
Theodor added a comment to T105501: Character couldnt be loaded and has been reset.
I Ctrl+alt+Delete and end DayZ with task manager as soon as I spawn in on the shore. Then I am usually able to get my character back. Logging out, I believe, will result in saving your character. Perhaps thats a result of the server syncing and saving your last position. I don't know.
Theodor set Category to category:characters on T105406: Character Wiped Upon Server Restart / Switching Servers.