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- User Since
- Mar 29 2020, 4:13 PM (255 w, 13 m)
Apr 27 2020
Apr 10 2020
I've run with enough groups from enough ethnicities to realize there is ONLY one REGION which uses hacks in place of skills. Sorry China, I know you do not ALL use hacks... but there's @ least 1 hacker in every Chinese group. I've allied & ran with 7 chinese groups so far and they all have at least 1 hacker. Even if they dont ALL hack,.
It seems the Devs DO NOT WANT to stop hackers.
So nothing. People can run faster than cars and nothing is being done about it?
Apr 9 2020
Apr 1 2020
Mar 30 2020
Not that this is a FIX, but have any of you attempted to TAB and drag to inventory? Does it register in the Vicinity when you tab? All info could help. Cheers.
Mar 29 2020
I'm sorry but I vehemently disagree! There should never be any limit to any item-type in this game. It may not be possible for YOU to raid the base, but that doesn't mean that other GROUPS can not. For example, our group is capable of filling nearly half the player-slots on the server and is comprised of members from multiple countries from all over, so we always have people on-line. When you play solo, or with a small group of friends, YOU SHOULD NOT BE CAPABLE OF RAIDING A MUCH LARGER GROUPS BASE, save for, drumroll please... when they are all sleeping... which leads us to locking servers to regions again, which I DO strongly support; however I also believe there should be Cross-Regional servers as well. But being unable to defend your base because you have to work, or sleep in real life shouldn't be part of the game. If we are going for "realistic" I would undoubtedly hear any type of breaching had I been sleeping in my base instead. But I'm getting off-topic...
- Try L-Ctrl + L-Mouse-Click to drop the items on the ground from the crate, and then retrieve the item from the ground. I recognize that this does not fix the issue, however there are other instances of items (Car Tires for example) that are stored in a car's inventory/oil barrel that does not allow you to retrieve it and this method allows for retrieval.