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Land Mine/Bear Trap Persistence Issue?
Need More Info, NormalPublic


I don't have confirmation that Land Mines or Bear Traps are or are not Persistent, but it seems to me that on a Persistent server that when you place land mines they should stay after a reset, right?

Well assuming that's the intended outcome it is not so. When I plant a Land Mine OR Bear trap, they despawn after a server reset. I have tested and confirmed this four times so far in a matter of months, the last time approximately one week ago - It's very rare that I find either of them.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Acquire Land Mine or Bear Trap.
Plant said item(s) in any open area, unobstructed by objects with collision.
Wait for server reset then log back in.
Observe whether or not said item(s) persisted.

Additional Information

System: Windows 10 Pro x64
OS Version: 1909 18363.720
Game Version: 1.07.153006
Map: Livonia

Event Timeline

TheOriginalGrizzlyBear changed Operating System from MacOS x64 to Windows 10 x64.
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Apr 23 2020, 2:37 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello TheOriginalGrizzlyBear.
We have been testing this thoroughly but we could not produce the issue. Mines and traps were persistent for us through server restarts. Could there possible be another factor to this that could cause the issue to manifest?

juanmaevil added a subscriber: juanmaevil.EditedApr 24 2020, 12:50 AM

Hello, I had already made a report on this, . Only I had not been able to reproduce it in this version of the game (due to lack of base and time). In my case I put the traps and mines around my base and the causes could be various: fences, tents, camo nets, various loot inside the tents or vehicles.
How long should a bear trap or personalmine persist once it is placed on the ground?
Let me give my opinion they should be very persistent since they are a good way of defending a base for example. Thanks

PR9INICHEK added a subscriber: PR9INICHEK.EditedApr 26 2020, 12:23 PM

@Geez maybe problem actually because a little lifetime?

Only 2 hours...

It's simply test, just decrease lifetime to 2 minutes(120 seconds)

Hello, as it became known that the problem is their short life from landmines and bear traps, can you extend your persistence / life?

In 1.08 problem will fix

Hi PR9INICHEK, thank you, forgive my ignorance, how long do they last now?

@juanmaevil 7 days(604 800 / 3600 / 24)

But we wait for push 1.08 to stable :)