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- User Since
- Jun 30 2015, 4:27 PM (508 w, 4 d)
May 2 2018
as seen here there is a possible solution to the problem by forceing it to instant (true)
Feb 15 2017
i'm not quite sure how this works, i've saved it to my documents folder as a zip file but i cant seem to find the send feature so i uploaded the file in here? as a note i tryed to get the error twice cos at the first atempt it seems to work. After the second atemt i got the crash thou! Here is the file:
sure i can do that
Feb 14 2017
May 19 2016
Yeah there are solutions to this - it made and still do not make any sense to me why - if referenced from an object it should return the object at all - but i guess that's just different opinions and interpretations
May 10 2016
ok unknown the cause the problem solved itself during my employment today ?!?
hm the entrys in this RPT is based on the fact that the server is a domination server allowed with all sorts of mods but basically a vanilla one - therefor the mods spamming errors. Anyway i check that out for sure too
will check that ASAP
can you give me some hint on what possibly could be corrupted?
the redirecting works not the best also it wont log the complete startup procedure as well
also if you use screen with it it wont log the servers terminal output instead the messages of screen please include a log-function for the rpt maybe in the CONFIG_server.cfg (a.e.: serverRPTlocation = "/home/arma3server/logs")