Hi Adam ;)
I'm not sure if this works as intended but it shouldn't
if you search an Object from an Object with the "nearestObject"-command and use a className of the same Type it returns itself
as example:
nObject = nearestObject [bobCat, "Tank"]; ==> bobCat (where bobCat is a B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F)
Reason of this is a function where the bobCat should be able to tow vehicles of all Sorts (Mainclasses are "Car", "Tank" "Air" and "Ship_F") with an action menu entry (like this: this addAction ["Tow Car","tow.sqf", ["Car"], 1, false, true, "","((getposatl _target) distance (getposatl (nearestObject [_target, 'Car']))) < 10"];)
While it works with different Class-Types perfectly the same Classes are not useable
A possible workaround is: use tanks for all exept tanks but if the nearestObject would ignore the object it starts from would be much more effective and at least for me more logical