using "find |grep rpt" in / dir wont show any rpt logs
that prevents fixing setup issues on linux side
using "find |grep rpt" in / dir wont show any rpt logs
that prevents fixing setup issues on linux side
fully qualified version string:
Linux f589 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.60-1+deb7u1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
run script:
while true; do
modsPath="/home/steam/ArmA3/OverallMods/" port=2312 mods="-mod=" mods="${mods}${modsPath}@XLib;" mods="${mods}${modsPath}@CBA_A3;" mods="${mods}${modsPath}@task_force_radio;" mods="${mods}${modsPath}@A3MP;" mods="${mods}${modsPath}@fallujah1_2;" mods="${mods}${modsPath}@islandZstuff;" mods="${mods}${modsPath}@Koplic;" mods="${mods}${modsPath}@Nziwasogo;" mods="${mods}${modsPath}@Thirsk;" mods="${mods}${modsPath}@panthera;" echo "Starting ArmA 3 server on port $port with following mods string: $mods" ./arma3server -port=$port -pid=ServerRunning -cfg=basicServer.cpp -config=server.cpp "${mods}" echo "ArmA 3 server has stopped ..." for (( i=20; i>0; i-- )) do echo "Restarting in $i" sleep 1s done
It is not very well documented, but the Linux server outputs the "RPT log" messages on stdout/stderr. (The BIS Linux game servers have done this since back in the OFP days)
Solution: redirect stdout and stderr to a log file of your choosing. For example:
./arma3server -port=$port -pid=ServerRunning -cfg=basicServer.cpp -config=server.cpp "${mods}" >>log.${pid}.txt 2>&1
So: not a bug, but Linux dedis being "different". :-)
well ... then the linux servers are still lacking much of documentation which is also not ... good
the only question remaining now is
why is the server not outputting the mods when they should be loaded
the redirecting works not the best also it wont log the complete startup procedure as well
also if you use screen with it it wont log the servers terminal output instead the messages of screen please include a log-function for the rpt maybe in the CONFIG_server.cfg (a.e.: serverRPTlocation = "/home/arma3server/logs")