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User Since
Feb 6 2015, 11:17 PM (526 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 8 2018

Synapse added a comment to T133497: Cannot open canned food.

"We have to make sure those core features work as they should first and foremost" -Nov 6th

Nov 8 2018, 10:04 PM · DayZ

May 11 2016

Synapse added a comment to T115268: Sedan dashboard guages texture error.

Does it drive like it's on ice for you aswell? It can only go downhill in first gear. Once u go the tiniest bit uphill it just can;t cope with it, much like the V3S when first implemented... all this time and we get an ice skating Sedan :D
Haven't found the offroad or bus yet.

May 11 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ
Synapse added a comment to T115261: Tires disappear from vehicles.

Your welcome GunRunner! Many thanks to you for stating the obvious.

I found 3 Sedans, 9 Sedan wheels, car batteries, spark plugs, hours wasted trying to drive them up the tiniest hill... Sorry for being salty. Was expecting too much from this update I guess.

Funny thing is the same happend with the V3S so this left me thinking that I could have a done a better job slapping my dick on the keyboard randomly.

May 11 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ
Synapse added a comment to T115261: Tires disappear from vehicles.

I rather wait another 6 months for a PROPER stable release. This wasn't ready by a looong shot. Funny how they mentioned 0.60 released before holidays.... what a knee slapper.

May 11 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ
Synapse added a comment to T115229: Offroad Hatchback codriver seat not available.

Dat Stable update doe...

May 11 2016, 1:48 PM · DayZ
Synapse added a comment to T115206: sedan does not turn, and draft all the time.

3 motnhs and we get the ice skating sedan LOL
devs should be ashamed of themselves releasing this on stable

May 11 2016, 1:48 PM · DayZ
Synapse edited Additional Information on T109692: Diseases bugged or hardcore?.
May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
Synapse added a comment to T108819: Game crashes without error message.

My game also crashed every 20-30 mins untill I changed the following.

  • Set video memory ingame to 2048 mb
  • Remove launch parameter -maxmem=16384

This stopped the crashing for me.

I still use these parameters without issues:

-nosplash -noPauze -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxvram=3072 -malloc=system

May 11 2016, 4:24 AM · DayZ
Synapse added a comment to T108815: Unplayable on lowest settings..

My game also crashed or turned potato every 20-30 mins untill I changed the following.

  • Set video memory ingame to 2048 mb
  • Remove launch parameter -maxmem=16384

This stopped the crashing for me.

I still use these parameters without issues:

-nosplash -noPauze -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxvram=3072 -malloc=system

Your also able to tweak the draw distance and such in the DayZ.cfg and .DayZProfile files for best results!

May 11 2016, 4:24 AM · DayZ
Synapse added a comment to T108372: military Tent and small tent disappeared on a persistent server.

And the military tent scrolling got fixed this patch??

  • Nah, lets add a fucking broom instead!
May 11 2016, 4:09 AM · DayZ