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- Aug 27 2019, 1:33 AM (288 w, 12 h)
Aug 30 2019
Any item inside the backpack which has a durability level can be damaged during a zombie attack.
Aug 29 2019
The biggest issue here isn't the cars, it's how people park them. Imagine a car show, you know, the ones where they have cars on the big spinning platforms. When you park a vehicle in DayZ, you need to imagine it spinning in place. If it will contact anything in it's spinning, there's a good chance it will get "bumped" around due to collision. When a server restarts, active vehicles(Whole working vehicles) quite literally "fall from the sky" as they spawn back in. They occasionally turn a little bit also, hence the make sure it can spin without hitting anything rule. Also don't park vehicles on inclines. When the vehicles spawn in they can bounce downhill. On any server that hasn't disabled vehicle damage through a mod, if the vehicle is bounced around it can take damage, if it takes enough damage, the server will despawn it as destroyed. On every server where people have been told this and they've begun to conform to it, the number of vehicle parking issues has vastly reduced.
Duct tape is one of the worst abuses in the game. Someone took the saying, "duct tape fixes anything" way too far. I can see duct tape being used for certain packs, like drybags and sacks. I can even see duct tape being used to repair a hammer handle, which you can't repair a hammer at all now, and I can even understand the use of it on a hatchet or ax handle, or a shovel(which also can't be repaired now). But, duct tape shouldn't repair some of those items at much as a sharpening stone does. While it makes perfect sense that you should be able to replenish a weapon cleaning kit, there's no way to parse out individual use of items within a kit without major overhaul, too much overhaul because it would drastically increase chances of bugs and problems. It's far easier to simply say, you use a weapons cleaning kit to repair/clean the weapon and it uses a % of the kit. Once done, you replace the kit, it works, and it's simple. Now on the wear of weapons, the more you go auto with a weapon, the faster wear accrues. I've gone single shot or (semi) with my weapons and wear is very slow. Also, once you start having to repair any item that has use durability, it will reach a point where it has to be repaired more often, and this is as it should be. There is a balance between reality and game mechanic restrictions. You go for reality as much as possible, until you meet game mechanic restrictions, and then try to find a way to balance it. The wear on weapons is fine, suppressors could use a bit of a tweak to improve durability, but again, way too many people are going full auto with suppressors and getting upset because their suppressors get damaged fast or just breaks. If you're going full auto, there's no reason you'd actually use a suppressor. I've had the same suppressor on my FX-45 since I obtained both. It's reached badly damaged once, and I've put well over 200 rounds through it. Use these things properly and they last longer. The only urgent thing about this is that duct tape needs to be reduced in what it can repair.
Aug 28 2019
I've seen this happen on stable servers as well. In some cases I think it's attributed to certain mods installed. Try logging out and back in and see if blood type now shows up. If it's still just a - or +, try verifying files and log out and back into steam.
The mod Medical Attention actually has working Saline. Single Saline bag can take you from starting red hydration to full, and that's what saline is actually supposed to do in real life.
Aug 27 2019
Hey Geez.
Hey Geez.
Hey Geez.