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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 9:27 PM (625 w, 6 d)
Sep 20 2016
seems to be fixed in latest build. Please close :)
Sep 16 2016
May 10 2016
I noticed this as well. Weapon Sway is unrealist high.
Just run arround or do some squats till you out of breath (in real life). Now take some weapon with sights and realistic weight and try to aim it down range while resting the weapon on a static object.
I bet you wouldn´t wobble as much as it is currently modeled...
At least the currently modeled weapon sway, breaks the game for me, as it´s next to impossible to hit anything which is farther away than 150m
Would be nice to see the hold breath time, being dependent on fatigue. So maybe ~15sec if the player is out of breath and up to 2 minutes if he is completly relaxed. Maybe increate fatique while holding breath for prolonged times.
same here... It´s really anoying.. guess there is a typo in the script or the radio item has been renamed?
May 9 2016
Would be interesting to know, if the AI is processed asynchrony in a different thread? Maybe they should implement that, if its not done already.
I don´t know what the developers do, but surely this is somehow a issue with threads waiting for some other threads to finish their work.. Please get someone who understands how to do good parallel applications!
Maybe also use Nvidias great Tools for analysing such problems like PerfHud / now called Nsight: (if you are not already using this :)). Its a great profiler to debug GPU / CPU blockage by thread synchronisation.
I understand that this is a issue that no one likes to deal with (i hate such "issues" too) but, please take the time, analyse the profiles / traces and abstract the Thread synchronisation in some manner to understand the issue.. And finally fix it!
The problem is not new to the informatics world, many game devs have overcome similar challenges to in my opinion.
Look at Valves Source Engine, it started out with, well mid performance and is now one of the best performing engines on the market! They invest a lot of time in this, but i think its worth it. The Engine is used in hundred of games!
There are scripts / texture uploads that block the Frame generation in my opinion. They should seperate script / gamelogic execution completly from rendering the frame.
I thinks its a general problem with the engine, that has been there since OFP. To many things are done in the mainloop that renders the frames, so scripts / texture uploads to the GPU and calculating the AI movements are blocking the rendering of the next frame...
They should really implement some performance counters and trace them to remove blockades in the render mainloop....
You can easily see it that the performance is degraded heavily if a script goes nuts for example. In my opinion the "rendering" and the script execution should be seperated completly.
Would be nice to have a compass like in ACE Mod
Think this is a minor bug, maybe the file is missing :D