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Mar 16 2013, 2:03 PM (624 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

Siperian added a comment to T71932: Divers can go too deep, dive depth should have realistic limitations.

When you use rebreather in military missions, they use pure oxygen what become dangerous if you go any further below than about 10 meters.

If you use open circuit scuba gears (like most hobby divers use!) you will dive no more than 30 meters below surface. If you go deeper than that you will get nitrogen narcosis.
If you are military diver, you are trained to dive under 50 meter below for short period of time.

After that you will use differend kind of gasses to go further below.

May 10 2016, 5:59 AM · Arma 3
Siperian edited Steps To Reproduce on T63982: Animations have weird placements..
May 10 2016, 1:08 AM · Arma 3
Siperian added a comment to T63982: Animations have weird placements..

Invisible, not invicible. My English suck. Sorry about all dam mistakes what i made...

May 10 2016, 1:08 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Siperian added a comment to T60446: Depth gauge.

If there is depth gauge, there should also be reason to have one.

Forexample not to dive too deep (rebreather use pure oxygen what become dangerous under certain depth) Avoid surfacing too fast (decompression sickness) and so on.

May 9 2016, 9:45 PM · Arma 3
Siperian added a comment to T60036: Diving Decompression sickness (Bends) / Gas Mix.

My information might be little bit old, but now i'm standing corrected. :)

Two types of diving gear sound like a lot of fun, Like could depression sickness be if you ascent too fast or something like that.

But right now i'm just happy when there are diving troops! This give you so much more possibilities!

May 9 2016, 9:22 PM · Arma 3
Siperian added a comment to T60036: Diving Decompression sickness (Bends) / Gas Mix.

Sorry about my poor english.

When you use rebreather in military missions, you usually don't dive under 10 meters because you will use pure oxygen and it is dangerous dive further below while using pure oxygen. (oxygen might become poisonous!)
That why you also don't have to worry too much about decompression sickness anyway...
If you seek more realism, you should add 2 set of diving gear:

  1. Rebreather for combat missions, when you only dive less deep than 10 meters.

(If you seek even more realism, diver might become sick/die/lose consciousness if dive longer period of time more depth than 10 meters...)

  1. mixed gass open circuit gear for missions when you have to dive deeper.

(you can add bubble animations for reason of realism. You can dive further below and if you want to add even more realism, you can add decompression sickness if you surface too fast.)

May 9 2016, 9:22 PM · Arma 3
Siperian added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Right now this "note" is one big mess. There is some great points, but... Even if someone report wise advices, it be lost middle of the crap.
Anyway. There is so much of votes and i believe developers will notice this.

My two cents.
There is alot more militaries than only Us military. Where i'm living, they actually let women join the army. They can even try to join our special forces. Women have same standards than men have. And i'm very fine with this.
I don't have to say that right now there is no women combat divers and there is only few airborne female soldiers, but i believe those who meet the standars, are in right spot. If they can meet the standards, i'm fine with it.
And i can tell they don't have any special rights... If there is no shower, womens will be also without showers. That is way how it should be.
Meet the standards or be somewehere else.

If i understand correctly, this game based on NATO forces, not only for Us military... And this game don't even happen any near of the Usa.
That why i don't understand all the crying how things are in Us military... Because in other part of world (Like in Europe) Things might be otherwise.

Btw i really like idea that there might be female pilots in game. Or there could be more female characters in supportive roles than combat roles...
But i would be very happy if there just would be female skin what to choose for multiplayer game... And what to use in editor. Then players can choose if they want to use female soldiers or not.

May 9 2016, 8:00 PM · Arma 3
Siperian added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

I would say, women characters are needed because women also play games and atleast some of women would like to play female characters.

Myself, i'm male and i totally hate playing female characters for some reason, it ruin atmosphere/game experience for me.
So please, make female characters for sake of players. It don't take anything away, but it might give so much for some of players. :)

And more or less offtopic:
In many countries (Other than Usa) women have been in combat duty very long period of time!
Right now, there are many women who serve their country in combat duties, and many women who are in supportive duties.

If Arma 3 want to be realistic combat simulation, it need female characters...

May 9 2016, 7:53 PM · Arma 3
Siperian added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Yes there are alot of issues what need to be fixed. But still i see this like one issue among of others. Maybe not most important issue, but still... it would be nice to be fixed.
And i bet many player would respect that fix also.

What come to "Armaverse..." Where i said Arma isn't realistic? You made that up...
And anyway, if in Armaverse there is stuff from our universe, like black hawk helicopters and multipurpose vehicles, why not female soldiers? Otherwise this could be one big science fiction war game with lazers and flying cars and teleports... and it would still be realistic because it don't happen in our universe...

May 9 2016, 7:52 PM · Arma 3
Siperian added a comment to T59142: Divers can go too deep, dive depth should have realistic limitations.

When you use rebreather in military missions, they use pure oxygen what become dangerous if you go any further below than about 10 meters.

If you use open circuit scuba gears (like most hobby divers use!) you will dive no more than 30 meters below surface. If you go deeper than that you will get nitrogen narcosis.
If you are military diver, you are trained to dive under 50 meter below for short period of time.

After that you will use differend kind of gasses to go further below.

May 9 2016, 6:41 PM · Arma 3
Siperian added a comment to T58940: Get stuck in running forward animation/movement.

This happen also for me. When i'm walking ( holding W key) and at the same time, try to aim (pressing right mouse button.) My character stuck to walking toward...
I Don't yet know if i have to have certain scope or not, just found this out and came here to check...

May 9 2016, 4:06 PM · Arma 3