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- User Since
- Jul 22 2015, 9:23 AM (505 w, 5 d)
Sep 2 2023
I've got the same error in 1.21 and more often 8n current 1.22 game build.
Feb 27 2023
Thank you for responding.
If required any specific information about server please let me know. That migh help you somehow to spot the problem.
But I wish to make a point on the situation, both systems: BI servers list of DayZ and Steam servers list (with maximum 20'000 servers nodes) do not contain information about my server.
And that issue became after message from Kyiara @ DayZ forum and releasing of 1.20 update in Steam.
pasting the link on Kyiara's answer:
Feb 24 2023
Nov 29 2018
I had installed Windows 10 Pro and it's workin'. Game is running. But why I start this topic, about 1 month ago I'd player with GXT 4660 under Win 8.1 Em. End. Pro, and it's work really awesome.
I think that's very bad that need to use Win 10. So you may include in problems list that situation.
Nov 27 2018
Have you tried some other games on your computer as well? - Yes. I start play often on Steam Hammer (DX11) after installing new video card and don't met any problem with game. Often play in ArmA 2 OA (DX9). ArmA 3 (DX9-10) and I have not met with such problems. About 4 days I play in Steam Hammer and A3 and agein not met same problem.
Nov 26 2018
Hello Geez.