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ErrorMessage: Error creating enfusion engine,
Need More Info, NormalPublic


While I am start DayZ I found that message:
"ErrorMessage: Error creating enfusion engine, some of possible errors:

  • GPU not supported
  • GPU drivers not up to date
  • DirectX not up to date
  • other kind of error"

It's happen after replacement of my video card from nVidia GTX 460 to GTX 960.
I'm attachin' in this report a game dump and DXDIAG report. I huess that you can help me to return in DayZ or that information will help for fix some other problems.


Operating System
Windows 8 x64
Operating System Version
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro 64-bit (6.3, Build 9600) (9600.winblue_ltsb.180812-0703)
Game Startup
Steps To Reproduce

Just classic steps for start fresh installed game.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Nov 26 2018, 11:43 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello SidDebian and thank you for the report.
Have you tried to uninstall your video drivers and then perform a clean install of new drivers? Also, please make sure that your DirectX drivers are up to date and possibly try to do a clean install of these as well.

Hello Geez.

I already have done this things:

  1. Reinstall game.
  2. Check Windows for updates.
  3. Reinstall all platform tools ( .Net Framework, MS VS C++ redists (with help of MS VS 2017), DirectX (from game distro), DirectX from MS site).
  4. Total remove all nVidia drivers and software, made a clean and fresh install.
  5. Delete all config files and ageing reinstall the game.

And still no luck.

I don't know but I can't install windows 10 because it's global s**t.

Here the new app crash-reports.

I don't know but if you use some platform-specified code you must check it, 'cause Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Pro is the same like Windows 8.1 Pro but it was made for Industry not for users but have all the same things witch have a Win 8.1 Pro for user.

AND one more think. I've found that after clean install DayZ there's no "DayZSetting.xml" file in root of DayZ and it's not contains in DayZ distribution, and at the same time game crashes because can't find this file in root.

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Assigned.Nov 26 2018, 5:02 PM
Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Need More Info.Nov 27 2018, 11:47 AM

Hello SidDebian.
Have you tried some other games on your computer as well? Are you experiencing similar issues? And is it possible for you to try this on standard version of Windows, rather than the industry version? As it is possible that the drivers for your previous video card have worked with the industry version, but the drivers for your new video card may not work correctly - causing the issue you are describing.

Have you tried some other games on your computer as well? - Yes. I start play often on Steam Hammer (DX11) after installing new video card and don't met any problem with game. Often play in ArmA 2 OA (DX9). ArmA 3 (DX9-10) and I have not met with such problems. About 4 days I play in Steam Hammer and A3 and agein not met same problem.

Are you experiencing similar issues? - As I said before after installing new GTX 960 I have no same issues with other games.

And is it possible for you to try this on standard version of Windows, rather than the industry version? - I have no other licensed microsoft OS. Only Win 8.1 Em. End. Pro and Windows 10 Pro (but it's have a bad support I mean too many services), But ok, if it helps I'll try to install Win10 Pro x64 and checkout.

And about video drivers - they work absolutely fine, because Windows Kernel architecture is same (between and64 platforms same for Client, same for industry version).

I had installed Windows 10 Pro and it's workin'. Game is running. But why I start this topic, about 1 month ago I'd player with GXT 4660 under Win 8.1 Em. End. Pro, and it's work really awesome.
I think that's very bad that need to use Win 10. So you may include in problems list that situation.

Thanks for the help. With my regards to you Geez and for all Bohemia Interactive employees and developers.

I think that this thread can be marked as solved.