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User Details
- User Since
- Dec 24 2013, 8:24 PM (582 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
RoxDorfer added a comment to T90948: Getting thrown off ladders to your death.
i died 8 times because of ladders
RoxDorfer added a comment to T90542: Getting instant killed or broken leg when running/walking up stairs..
i got instant killed yesterday after climbing the firestation ladder at Cherno
RoxDorfer added a comment to T90527: not enough zombies on the server.
when i kill a zombie he keeps walking a little bit after getting shot and then dies.. even playing in server with low ping
RoxDorfer added a comment to T90515: Storage Containers/Medkit/Backpack Redundancy.
you can do this with anything... you can do even a bagception... store a FULL mountain bag inside another one and enjoy 10 free slots... you can do this infinite more times
RoxDorfer added a comment to T90326: Get character wiped when I leave a server.
same here, happened twice, would appreciate at least some explanation about why is this happening if it is on porpouse.
RoxDorfer edited Steps To Reproduce on T90250: Dead Bodies vanishes too fast.
RoxDorfer edited Steps To Reproduce on T90247: Character Reset after switching server.
RoxDorfer added a comment to T90224: Character deletion if switching servers.
Happened to me twice...
RoxDorfer added a comment to T89940: Blurry vision on login. Change graphics settings to solve..
RoxDorfer added a comment to T89097: Body disappear after exit game.
Major bug, Please Fix