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Body disappear after exit game
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I got confirmed information by my friends that body disappears after dead player will click exit game.

Story: I died, two my friends come to my body and start looting me, I clicked ESC button and then I click exit game, in that moment my dead body disappear.

I think this bug should be fixed because players should be able to loot dead bodies minimum 30mins after they died.



Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Coddep set Category to category:characters.Dec 21 2013, 3:35 AM
Coddep set Reproducibility to Always.
Coddep set Severity to None.
Coddep set Resolution to Fixed.
Coddep set Legacy ID to 383839119.May 8 2016, 2:58 PM

This needs to be fixed I can't loot anyone I kill before them just exit and sink their loot.

Itichyx added a subscriber: Itichyx.May 8 2016, 2:58 PM

I had this issue tonight. Killed someone(head shot) and started to loot his body couldnt get anything. His body despawned to quick for me to even look.

Needs to be fixed. Sniped for a full day, lost most of the bodies after death.

Rusk added a subscriber: Rusk.May 8 2016, 2:58 PM
Rusk added a comment.Dec 24 2013, 1:35 PM

Yup this is a major one and needs fixing asap. Thanks!

Major bug, Please Fix

Hotfix, please!

This is a duplicate report and has already been fixed as can be read here:
#2478 (When you kill someone, his corpse will disappear. Can't loot him.)