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- User Since
- Aug 29 2014, 11:31 PM (549 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
Yeah that's what is supposed to happen when you wear a jacket, you will warm up.
They are supposed to be rare. One of the most powerful and customizable guns in Dayz.
I am punching a zombie and it is just standing there taking it. It is not noticing me.
@Mikhail can you send a link to where you got that info? It would be very helpful.
Yeah i love this game but, sometimes i wonder if they even test it themselves before they let us have at it. The zombies AND Status mechanics are completely broken right now.The worst part about this is that ether the dayz staff know about this but refuse to at least admit that this update is broken or, they have no idea and didn't pay attention to the community. We love you dayz, but we always get such little information about things. At the very least acknowledge our concerns when it comes to things like this. At least let us know you know the problem exists so we know that you guys care about the players who care about the game.
Ehhh... he said "some things". I guess it was an older build and they wanted to test some things. As long as it get patched up quick it is alright. The main problem is that they let all of us inform each other about what is wrong instead of actually telling us what is wrong as soon as they find out. We payed to alpha test, so i believe as testers we should at least be closely informed on bugs and info, not a very vague twitter post.
I run in depends.x group and we had no unexpected issues. We only got those messages when we were wearing the heavy paramedic jacket and other heavy jackets. It makes sense that if you are sprinting with heavy warm jackets you would get over heated very quickly.
May 10 2016
Hahahahahh thats awesome x)