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- Mar 21 2015, 8:54 PM (520 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
I can't comment on that as I'm not a dev, but there are always new tests we can try. Do you have Shadowplay?
I don't know how to download the attached file, but I'm guessing you've included the dump logs from the crashes?
I've got 16GB of RAM, GTX 970 4GB. I've got pretty much the same issues. It completely sucks out my free memory and puts it into standby. I'm trying to get mine to crash and produce a dump log, but mine refuses to. It just stutters terribly. Do you know how yours crashes or does it just happen?
How much ram do you have? I've experienced the same thing but I've never gotten any errors or crashing.
Today I turned off Shadowplay and only got about 20-25 minutes per session, each time having to exit the game and start it back up again. Later tonight I'll try rolling back my drivers and trying without Shadowplay to confirm once and for all if this f*cking software is even relevant in our quest for stable gameplay. Wish me luck.
I played for about 50 minutes. As soon as a I turned on Shadowplay the issue would persist again after about 20 minutes, then I'd have to exit and relaunch. I'm going to have to do some extensive testing turning shadowplay on and off to even see if its causing this issue. Even then, it still doesn't explain the issue for you guys as most of you aren't even using Shadowplay for recording. That's all I've got for now.
You tell me. Have you experienced any of the problems since your previous post? I haven't had the chance to test lately but I probably will tonight.
Don't get too excited. Sometimes I can get like 2 hours in (for some reason) and then out of nowhere it will start happening.
Same issue(s)? Can you produce a crash log? And do you have Shadowplay enabled?
Which is for GTX cards only.
If you don't know if you have Shadowplay then you shouldn't have to worry about it. It isn't about having it so much as it is having it turned on. It is in Geforce Experience if you want to know.
@easyem2. I've had that before, where it seems like its going good for a while, but if you kept at it I can pretty much promise you it would have happened again. Like I said, the GPU drivers have nothing to do with it. It was probably just coincidence. Try playing for at least 2 hours and get back to me. Or do what I do and just keep playing until it inevitably happens again.
@moeb1us, maybe whenever they figure that out it will also fix it for us 64bit users.
I was on Reddit and this person mentioned that they were getting stuttering BECAUSE of Shadowplay being turned on. Shadowplay comes with Geforce Experience and lets you record as a DVR or manually. I cannot currently test this, but his steps to fix the stuttering with Shadowplay were as follows:
Turn off Shadowplay> Rollback drivers> Restart> Update Drivers> Restart> Don't turn on Shadowplay
If anyone is using Shadowplay and repeats the steps above and report it no longer stuttering this could be the reason why my DayZ is stuttering. If not, we shall carry on. Next week I should be able to perform some new tests.
When I made this it was 0.54, but the problem still persists in 0.55 experimental/stable. I'm also on a 64bit OS.
It's definitely a memory issue with the software and not so much a GPU issue. So even if it were somehow our faults, it would probably be because of the ram.
@eazyem2, good luck. Looking forward to your results.
@Handyhammer, Sounds like a texture issue, possibly due to the low amount of ram. Have you tried running it after the stuttering to try and produce a crash? Add -dumplogs to your startup parameters in DayZ by:
Right click on DayZ in Steam> Set Launch Options> -dumplogs
If you can produce a crash log this would definitely be helpful.
On the latest status report on it mentions under Programming: "Network and Memory Optimizations". So the soonest we would see any fix would be next Wednesday. Though is does say "(Note: Standup notes are not a change log - they are a quick high level look at tasks the teams worked on throughout this week)", so I dunno if they're going to address it past this week or not. I guess we will find out.
If you find any new methods that do (or don't) work, please post them here or in a report of your own so we can keep this bumped so the devs can see this problem. Because I feel like the others who have this problem only pop into DayZ for a few minutes and are saying "its fixed" or whatever.
Also unable to make the game crash? Darn. Well hopefully more people like us will see these posts and share their experiences so the devs can see that we're having a very specific issue.
I haven't tried driving a vehicle personally but when I was in one with a friend I didn't stutter, so I don't doubt that would temporarily fix it.
If its not too much trouble eazyem2, could you try removing half of your ram and tell me what happens. Most likely it will be the same issue, but if you keep an eye on your resource monitor the memory might allocate differently.
You can find it at:
(CTRL+ALT+DEL) Start Task Manager> Performance Tab> Resource Monitor (with shield icon)> And go to the Memory Tab.
For me, when I normally have 16GB installed the game allocates all of my RAM to standby. When I took out half and only had 8GB, DayZ tried using almost 3GB of memory "in use" and the rest went into Free (I think).
We have the EXACT same issue. I honestly thought I was alone. What are your system specs?
Does the game not crash as well? That is my biggest issue, unable to produce a crash log.
Today I removed two of my 4GB ram sticks and experienced something else entirely. This time all of my standby memory was slowly going into my In Use for DayZ. It almost reached 3GB but I had to get off, however, I was on for almost 2 hours and still couldn't get a crash*, just terrible stuttering. Same symptoms, just different this time.
I tried rolling back my Nvidia drivers to 347.52, and for the first two hours in the woods I honestly thought I had found a workaround. Around another hour in with one of my friends the same stuttering happened, so all I could do was exit DayZ, relaunch, and play in 20-30 minute increments again. I don't know if being around another player in-game accelerates the effects, but it seemed to not really happened until we were close by eachother.
So rolling back the drivers did nothing as well. I will continue to post updates/experiments of my new and relevant tests until someone can confirm this issue is being treated.
Still experiencing the issue as of 0.55. Here are some of my specs:
MSI GTX 970, 16GB DDR3 RAM, i7 3770
Just put in another session. About 40 minutes. Standby memory filled up, but DayZ didn't exceed the 2048mb. About 3-5 minutes after standby filled up the stuttering came back.
I've attached a picture of 'During DayZ' and 'DayZ Closed'.
I managed to get in almost a 2 hour play session today before the stuttering came back. This time I removed all launch parameters and only had 2048MB of video memory enabled in-game. I wasn't watching my resource monitor, I was just playing.
I had only died once very early on, probably within the first 25-35 minutes by falling from a height. Around 116 minutes I met up with a friend in Berezino at the construction building with the big crane. After about 15-25 minutes we starting heading toward the inner city, completely taking it in. This is when the stuttering started, just like before, started slow and then picked up a couple minutes in to the point of the game fluctuating between 4 and 9 frames per second.
I checked my resource monitor and found that none of my remaining ram was free, it was all in Standby. So it was:
6688mb in Use. 9500 in Standby. 100 in modified.
I had no items flashing like the bug in 2014, but to be sure I removed all my gear. No difference. I tried committing suicide by jumping off an apartment building. No difference.
As soon as I totally closed DayZ all of the Ram in Standbye suddenly shot back to free. When I started DayZ again it started off normal, but my ram was slowly ramping back into the Standby. Even leaving DayZ open "leaks".
This happened when I set video memory to Auto and 2048mb. No difference.
In 2 hours of gameplay and about 30 minutes of stuttering I did not receive any crashes, error messages, or logs. I am not sure if this is because I have 16GB of Ram or if this is a new issue entirely. Since the game isn't crashing I can't produce a crash log, I can only share my issue.
What is notable is that I managed to pull more time out of this session than ever before, and I even managed to run through Novo and Berezino slightly before the stuttering. However, I would say I experienced the same amount of objects in my previous tests, but didn't experience the stuttering so soon.