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- User Since
- Jul 24 2014, 10:02 PM (557 w, 3 d)
Apr 20 2022
Likewise. For other titles, TrackIR works as expected for head tracking (Arma3, DCS, etc.). Both LEDs are green.
Nov 13 2021
Tilting at windmills? Let us know if this issue has been thrown on the trash heap.
Thanks for trying to keep this alive Nuggit.
Dec 18 2019
Me as well. And it degrades over time. It's a shame because BI used to be forward thinking re: 6dof. In it's current state, it technically doesn't support TrackIR.
Nov 30 2019
Hey @oxfordonion, does TrackIR stutter for you or freeze? If it doesn't then I'll do troubleshooting on my end. But if it does I'll raise/bump a ticket. Thanks.
Sep 15 2018
Yeah. I've been thinking about the new player controller and how the head leads the body. If they do implement support for TrackIR I'll be surprised. It seems odd given other studios seem to be moving towards enabling these 6dof tools in light of VR development.
Jul 24 2018
Hi Geez,