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- Apr 7 2015, 3:13 PM (519 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
Happened to me too. I found a lorry near Balota. Was in the middle of the woods and somewhoe a tree was fully grown around it (so there was no way for the lorry to move, the tree was on the back, surrounded by lorry structures).
when me and my friend approached it, we were both killed instantly.
Well, i was starving earlier today. Ate 2 whole cows raw and didn't get sick.
I think food sickness from raw beef is pretty random, no?
confirmed. Was heading to gorka on dirt roads.
warped twice into the middle of the woods. Managed to get back on the dirt road. Hit invisible boxes twice. The second blew my tire. Had to ditch the truck.
vatixerid - no problem there. let them be smart. but there's a difference between smart and all-knowing. they KNOW there's an open door even without seeing it.
A zombie shouldn't "pathfind" like a computer.
He should claw the door you closed in their face before attempting to find other entrances to the house.
I hate it when a house has two doors, i get in, close the door and the zombie instantly goes to the door on the other side of the house that he can't even see but somehow knows it's open.
May 10 2016
i7 4770k, 16gb ram, geforce gtx960.
big fps drops here in some cities too. Chapaevsk is absolute hell.