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Sep 25 2013, 1:13 AM (595 w, 1 h)

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May 10 2016

OminousPenguin added a comment to T74961: Black screen at Camp Maxwell; no visual but game is still (somewhat) playable.

Got a new mobo, CPU& RAM. Problem fixed.
Arma3 version 1.08.113494
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
GTX 560 Ti - Driver 314.22
Intel QX6800
nForce 680i

Arma3 version 1.08.113494
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
GTX 560 Ti - Driver 314.22
Intel i5 4670k
Intel Z87 Express

So it would seem that it's nothing to do with the graphics card or driver.

May 10 2016, 7:24 AM · Arma 3
OminousPenguin added a comment to T74961: Black screen at Camp Maxwell; no visual but game is still (somewhat) playable.

Nuts, do you not experience the bug at all on your laptop?

Can everyone please post their Arma 3 version number, operating system, graphics card and driver version, CPU model, chipset, and anything else they can think of that has any chance of being relevant? Then maybe we can spot a correlation.

Arma3 version 1.08.113494
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
GTX 560 Ti - Driver 314.22
Intel QX6800
nForce 680i
(yes my CPU and mobo are ancient)

May 10 2016, 7:24 AM · Arma 3
OminousPenguin added a comment to T74961: Black screen at Camp Maxwell; no visual but game is still (somewhat) playable.

I have reproduced it several times, sometimes the Strategic Map works, sometimes it doesn't.
I believe timing is critical. I will attempt to identify a 100% reproducible solution.

May 10 2016, 7:24 AM · Arma 3
OminousPenguin added a comment to T74961: Black screen at Camp Maxwell; no visual but game is still (somewhat) playable.

Lionhawk and redbaty, were you not able to make any progress using space bar to skip the scripted bit?

zozo, what should happen after the Two Hours Later title? Is it supposed to fade straight into the conversation with James?

I'm pretty sure the problem is in the scripting as skipping it with spacebar works reliably for me. You just have to tap it at the right time.

May 10 2016, 7:24 AM · Arma 3
OminousPenguin added a comment to T74961: Black screen at Camp Maxwell; no visual but game is still (somewhat) playable.

Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
GTX 560 Ti - Driver 314.22
Arma3 version 1.08.113494 (Steam)

After the Two Hours Later my FPS is constant at 15.

If you spam space bar right after the loading screen you get control of your character, but you cannot open inventory with I or reload with R.
If you kill one of the AI (mission does not end) you can then open their inventory with scroll menu.
You can switch semi/auto/GL with F.
Using the underslung grenade launcher you can reload smoke/HE via the scroll menu.
The Strategic Map scroll menu item is available as it should be, but does nothing.
Pressing ESC brings up the pause menu. Clicking Configure does nothing. The Audio/Video/etc submenu does not appear.

If I save & abort, then try to resume that save, the (top) loading progress bar gets stuck at around 80%.

Hit space bar once while the Two Hours Later title is on screen:
Letterbox view. Can look around. Scripted movement following James. No dialogue.

Hit space bar once before the Two Hours Later title is shown:
As above but with James's dialogue.
At end of dialogue letterbox view remains. WSAD do nothing.
Press space and regain movement control but letterbox remains. As above, can not reload but this time the scroll menu is not available.

To progress to next mission:
Tap space once before Two Hours Later appears. When you see the AI infront of you, tap space once again.
You now have full control. To test, fire a shot then hit R. If you reload, it worked, if not, restart and try again.
The date, time and location appear in the bottom right but really slowly. FPS is around 23.
Proceed to Strategic Map and the Tipping Point mission is available.

Upon selecting to start Tipping Point the screen goes black and stays black. I hit space a few times. Alt-tabbed to add to this note, then when I alt-tabbed back it was loading the Tipping Point mission.

May 10 2016, 7:24 AM · Arma 3
OminousPenguin added a comment to T72886: Bazzard does not go well on Dirt runway.

Same applies to the Greyhawk UAV. They get stuck in the dirt.
Sometimes adjusting flaps or rudder gets it moving again but there is no pattern or logic to it.

May 10 2016, 6:23 AM · Arma 3
OminousPenguin added a comment to T72465: Give joystick a way to assign an axis for throttle.


I fly helicopters and there needs to be the option to assign collective and throttle independently. Currently raising the collective above mid-point triggers the engine to start and then I think there is no control over the throttle - it's either engine on or off.

Also controls should not be shared between the plane and helicopter. If a user wants to use one set of controls for rudder while in a helicopter and another set for rudder while in a plane, they should be able to do that. Currently they can not.

May 10 2016, 6:14 AM · Arma 3
OminousPenguin added a comment to T63597: Suggestion in adding IR strobe light.

The game has launched and still we have no IR strobes.
Is this likely to be added? Thanks.

May 10 2016, 12:45 AM · Arma 3