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- User Since
- Mar 9 2013, 12:43 PM (624 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Reading topics on arma 3 dev and i come across this one ...WTF %$%^
Thats why BIS don't really look here.
Listen , if ur mentally retarded or have a lack of friends to talk to the Salvation Army OK ?
or better get a DOCTOR !
This is a GAME feedback Tracker...
No wonder BIS don't really seem to frequent here much .... so much useless dribble ....
KIDS get a Life !
Stop polluting this feedback tracker with your retarded comments
May 9 2016
I dont believe this is a MAJOR issue and should have choosen a lower Severity.
Yep Yep
We all aggree it dont work
NOW BIS !!????
We have no missions we have nothing we can do
Can you please make sure at least you fix this so we can build missions ??
I feel this is kinda important
At the moment I HAVE NO USE for ARMA 3 at all
Same here
very frustrating
NO combination of code seem to work they will not land near enemy or under fire ..
Once heli AI spoots enemy it will just hover as already said ignoring all waypoints ..
Nothing seems to work ..
_chopper enableAttack false;
_chopper setBehaviour "CARELESS";
_chopper setCombatMode "BLUE";
_chopper disableAi "TARGET";
_chopper disableAi "AUTOTARGET";
_chopper disableAi "FSM";
No discussion!!
we need analogue input
I.E the Mouse for driving & flying
If you worry about realism . I DO .
Consider this .
We need the realism the mouse input provides. look at arma2, when you steer into a corner the forces on the wheel straighten the mouse back to middle ...
This is very realistic !
Also 'A Bit' Button input 'A' to steer 'left 'is NOT EQUAL to 'A bit' of analogue mouse input 'left' !