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Mar 9 2013, 1:39 AM (628 w, 3 d)

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May 9 2016

Obsidius added a comment to T61869: Please add the ability to mute players from the player list menu.

Ha, thanks Ethnod. Typo fixed.

And thanks for that Kid, will check out the mute when in-game.

May 9 2016, 11:30 PM · Arma 3
Obsidius added a comment to T61869: Please add the ability to mute players from the player list menu.

I fully support this, I know that ARMA is all about teamwork if you are going to succeed but sometimes we really need the option to shut people up. Last night there was a guy who must have had his mic set to broadcast when he speaks as he was broadcasting his gunfire over comms, explosions and quite often he was talking to himself / his computer when 'excited', annoyed the hell out of a lot of us.

I won't even start going on about the idiots and trolls who can't help but harass or mock other people. Wasn't much of an issue in ARMA 2 as most people just wanted to play the game but with an influx of interest from casual gamers into the ARMA series we will get a lot of idiots too.

May 9 2016, 11:30 PM · Arma 3
Obsidius added a comment to T61804: "regular" land weapons work after swimming/diving too. Like the "underwater" rifle.

A bit of water won't ruin modern weapons, I'd hope the weapons we use in a couple of decades time have improved even more so having players effectively unarmed after being in water is a bit over the top. Wouldn't mind a mechanic in game where a weapon has a risk of jamming and must be unjammed to use again would be cool but that's as far as I'd go with this.

The point of diver firearms is so we can shoot while in the sea / rivers.

May 9 2016, 11:24 PM · Arma 3
Obsidius added a comment to T60881: Low fps,low gpu and cpu usage.

I too have had problems with frame rates dropping the longer I am in a multiplayer game, did it quite a lot last night on different missions / hosts. Wasn't just the high population games and at times my game would freeze for 5 - 10 seconds or so, usually when near other players but only if I had been in a game for a while.

May 9 2016, 10:33 PM · Arma 3
Obsidius added a comment to T59784: Simplify Gameplay/systems.

ARMA 3 seems to have a better control layout than ARMA 2 to me, works great and there is plenty of interactivity between the player and their soldier / surroundings. What you talk about is essentially dumbing down the game which is not what ARMA is about. I'd call you out as a troll but then I can imagine that there is a number of people who have bought the Alpha and wish it was more like COD, sadly.

May 9 2016, 7:13 PM · Arma 3